Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 6: Off the rails

Mari seems determined not to be scheduled or predicted. Yesterday ended up being a very rough night of sleep. She woke up more times than I can count and was wide awake at 1 AM for a good hour. And yet, the day had gone relatively well and the schedule more or less adhered to.

Today, the schedule pretty much went out the window. Mari was up at 6:30 and took a two-and-a-quarter hour nap from 9:30 to 11:45 -- her longest nap since she was about three months. By 1:30, she already seemed tired, so I did most of her naptime routine and left Jon to really put her down while I went out for my weekly afternoon off.

I returned three and a half hours later (half an hour later than I'd promised Jon; oops) to learn Mari had slept only 20 minutes, refused to go back down, refused to take a bottle of pumped milk (she used to take it but has been refusing pretty consistently for the last couple of weeks, which is another source of stress) and then cried until I got home.

So I fed her at 5:30, put her down for the ill-advised evening nap from 6:00 to 6:30 (she woke up), and didn't get her in bed properly until about 8:00.

The surprise? It's actually been a relatively good evening for sleep so far, with only one waking since.

I guess she got a reasonable amount of total naptime, with the long morning nap. And I still think the schedule will do her good in the long run. But it goes to show what an unpredictable baby she is.


  1. Dunno if any of this will help, but: Jake went through a thing where he refused a bottle. My mom had success feeding him in his bouncy chair but not if she held him; it also seemed to help that we switched to a faster-flow nipple, and now he's back with bottles. Except right this instant of course, when alex is trying to put him to sleep and I'm listening to him cry over the baby monitor. :)

  2. Hmm, that's an idea -- switching nipples. I'll try that. I'll try the bouncy chair too.

    Poor Jake... hope he got some sleep.
